
This was made in 10 days for the Pixel Game Jam 2024 with the theme 'aqua.'

The ecosystems and plants in this game are inspired by what I’ve seen in my local watershed, the Chesapeake bay. Issues such as excess chemicals from runoff, pollution, and a lowered water clarity can kill off plants and animals necessary for the ecosystem. To learn more, you can visit the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.


Programmer/Artist/Sound designer, Halfsmore, https://halfsmore.itch.io

Music from kevp888 on freesound.org


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(1 edit)

Play-button at the main menu is hidden if you aren't playing fullscreen. 

Thanks for playing! Forgot to set a few of the canvases to scale with the screen size so I’ll fix that and update the build. Hopefully you didn’t encounter any other bugs (:

All good. Fun game and I love the graphics and color-palette :)

Glad you enjoyed! The issue should be fixed now, thanks for letting me know!

I played your entry to the jam and it was enjoyable too (: I'll probably leave some more in depth feedback as I play through the jam games once it ends.